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Information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The information on this site is subject to constant updates or changes without notice.
All works or excerpts published on my website, such as: B. Videos, texts, files, compositions and images are protected by copyright. Publication, reproduction, distribution or other use - even in extracts - without written permission from me is excluded.
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I observe the applicable data protection regulations when collecting, using and processing personal data.
If it is possible to enter personal data (email address, name, address, etc.) within this website, this is completely voluntary. The personal data provided is only used internally to answer inquiries, process orders or provide access to certain information. Upon your written request, you can find out about the personal data we have stored about you and you also have the right to correct, delete and/or block this data at any time.
Embedded content from other websites & disclaimers
Although I generally check external content linked on this site, I assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. Tobias Wiethoff is responsible for the content in accordance with 5+6 TMG and 55 RStV.