Cirque de la Sphere
“Cirque de la Sphere” is a film originally produced for the Jena Planetarium in 2011
Approximately fifty minutes long artistic music and dance entertainment show. Those used
Methods for combining live film footage and 3D animations were practical at the time
unique. My personal effort and dedication to producing the work, from the conceptual
The development up to the production of the approx. 50 minute show event was immense.
The fate of this unusual show was tragic and eventful.
The Planetarium Bochum shows the event every two months to this day.
The inspiration for the content of “Cirque de la Sphere” was a text passage from the song
“The River” by the group “Elbow”:
I walked with the river in a kind of a dream
Hand in hand the all knowing river and me
To the glamor of rushes and deeply bowing trees
And drunk making blossom that blushed to be seen
I told him my sorrows and broken down dreams
Confessed every lie
Replayed every scene
He openly cried as he listened to me
And then with the sun in the west
He showed me the sea
Stills & Graphic Design
Blue screen recordings
To produce the “Cirque de la Sphere” event, I worked with a dance and theater group active in Jena.
We took the blue screen recordings in a studio at the Technical University of Ilmenau. Part of the game and an important one
Support for this project was the good Jakob Laugs.
Credits & Info
Cirque de la Sphere
Concept and Animations: Tobias Wiethoff
©2012 Sternenvent GmbH