Performing planetariums:
Premiere year:
60 Min

Our heavenly story

“Our heavenly story” is a planetarium program lasting approximately one hour.
Based on the short program “100 Years of Eternity”, it depicts the run
the idea of ​​heaven has changed over the millennia.
Man’s confrontation with the firmament is the central motif
our cross-cultural history of civilization.

The program, which is told through immersive real-life footage and animations,
There is also a longer passage that is exclusively created by means of optomechanical
The stars and planets are used to display the celestial
Origins of our time, such as holidays and our modern scientific worldview,

The program is narrated in a unique way by the renowned speaker Hans Peter Bögel.
The Leipzig 3D audio artist Felix Deufel has created “Our Heavenly Story” as
immersive surround sound experience.

Credits & Info

Our heavenly story
Fulldome production, 60 min.
Written, dirceted and created by: Tobias Wiethoff

Narrator: Hans Peter Bögel
3D audio design: Felix Deufel

Produced by Tobias Wiethoff and the Planetarium Bochum.

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